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FinTech Foundry
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Business Insider - What is cryptocurrency? Here's what to know about this increasingly popular digital currency before getting involved

Cryptocurrencies are digital assets that you can buy, trade, and use to purchase goods. People and organizations create cryptocurrencies for different reasons, but they generally share a few common characteristics.

Understanding how cryptocurrencies work, who creates and controls them, and why you might want to buy cryptocurrencies is important for investors. While there may be opportunities to build wealth, there's a lot of risk involved with crypto investing, and you need to be mindful of scams. 

Shearman partner Donna Parisi was quoted in an article published on December 20, talking about the various uses of cryptocurrencies and being mindful from an investment perspective with the rapidly evolving landscape. Read the article on Business Insider. 

"Learn about crypto by opening up wallets, accounts, trading currencies, and learning more about the use cases," says Parisi. "But do it in a reasonable way. We're still in the early days, and regulation of crypto is still evolving."


cryptocurrency, fintech, blockchain, virtual currency
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